Vendor Management -

Vendor Management

Maximize vendor quality and service delivery cost optimization without managerial overload by utilizing our vendor management feature.

Provide more value to your customers

Get the best vendor for the job.

TPM, OEM, or self-supported. Our vendor management feature empowers resellers to strategize the best vendor make-up for their customers' specific hardware and maintenance needs.

Vendor Aggregation and Optimization

Use our reporting tools to work with your customers and run cost analysis on all of your chosen maintenance vendors.

You have the flexibility to effortlessly download all the stored data, whether it’s a bulk download or a filtered selection tailored to your specific objectives.

Once you have the data in your hands, seamlessly analyze it using the platform or the applications that best suit your needs. We empower you to explore, analyze, and derive valuable insights, putting you in control of optimizing your business processes and making data-driven decisions with ease.

CloudCover lists OEM and TPM vendors for each contract in your portfolio including:

Hybrid Maintenance Enablement

Use the vendor reporting features to empower your clients by introducing a hybrid maintenance management strategy into their IT maintenance. Hybrid maintenance allows you and your customers to choose the best vendor to meet their needs and budget requirements.

In the past, hybrid maintenance was cumbersome to implement. But with CloudCover, the service experience is identical for every vendor, so you can maximize quality without managerial overload.

Use the platform’s features to move from just another maintenance vendor with your customers to their most trusted maintenance partner by identifying:

T & M Tracking

Inevitably circumstances arrive where an asset needs support but is not covered under a vendor’s contract or it’s covered but the request is out of scope per the contract.

At CloudCover we always support the device – it will be billed as a T & M call – and we add it into the contract so that its ultimately captured and covered.

During this process we track all T & M activity so that you know exactly where you had a lapse in coverage and where new devices were added to the contract.